REACH…and beyond!

Chemsafe, Colleretto Giacosa (TO), Italy
Reach regulation (EC n. 1907/2006) requested a first transitional period of eleven years for all the so-called Phase-in substances which were subjected to certain rules. Number of registrations and registered substances up to the end of 2019 are shown in Figure n. 1 and Figure n. 2
1. December 2010 for CMR substances, or environmental classification or > 1000 tons per year.
In order to comply with this deadline that emphasize hazardous properties but also huge tonnages, large consortia or task forces were build up. Such groups of company were normally leaded by big player on the market. 2010 registrations was a success and many “commodities” were correctly registered. Joint registration were mainly those submitted by Consortium Members and very few coming from simple SIEF agreement activities. Lead registrant were not so many as the process was at the beginning.
2. May 2013 for substances in the level 100-1000 tons per year
The second deadline was characterized by a diff ...