Sabinsa 1988-2013: 25 years of success

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April 2003. I was in Paris, Port Versailles, attending the In-Cosmetics fair. H&PC Today was a project underway at that time, and the very first issue would have come out shortly after. H&PC Today was indeed just an “idea on paper” at the time - I only had a brochure describing it to show around as I strolled around the exhibition aisles. On that occasion, I recall meeting a person in particular, a meeting that would have yielded much more in the future. As we all know, though we live in a time of advanced technology governing all aspects of our everyday life, what really triggers a process is the “human touch” in the end. A human contact will yield many more effects than a click on a mouse or a stroke on a keyboard. So, as I was walking the crowded aisles of a trade fair that was clearly already projected towards the devel ...