Salcura Zeoderm Skin Repair Moisturiser

Andrea Mitarotonda
Neal’s Yard Remedies, Peacemarsh, UK-SP8 4EU, Gillimgham, Dorset,
United Kingdom
A fairly simple product that is claimed to be suitable for people who may be prone to eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis and dry or itchy skin, Salcura Zeoderm Skin Repair Moisturiser features Urea and Zeolite as key ingredients.
The product is based on a rather standard oil-in-water emulsion formulated with plenty of vegetable and vegetable-derived ingredients.
Glycerin and Urea play a key role in delivering hydration.
The importance of Glycerin in skincare products is well established.
To explain its benefits, early studies have focused on its humectant and the protecting properties.
More recently, Glycerin has been shown to modulate the phase behaviour of stratum corneum lipids and to prevent crystallization of their lamellar structures in vitro at low, relative humidity.
Incorporation of Glycerin into a stratum corneum model lipid mixture enables the lipids to maintain the liquid crystal state at low humidity.
The biochemical consequences of these properties may be to influence the activity of hydrolytic enzymes crucial to the desquamatory process in vivo.
Urea is a naturally occurring substance in the body, as the main ...