Sensorial analysis in cosmetics an overview

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Vivekanand Education Society’s College Of Pharmacy, Hashu Advani Memorial Complex, Behind Collector Colony Chembur, Mumbai, 400 074, India
Sensorial analysis is the examination of a product through the evaluation of the attributes perceptible by the five sense organs (organoleptic attributes) such as colour, odor, taste, touch, texture and noise. It is used in diverse fields like cosmetics, food, personal care products, textiles etc. The Consumer Acceptance Tests, Difference Tests and Descriptive Tests are the three types of sensory analysis. The analysis is carried out in two phases: the first test uses common naïve assessors followed by the second phase employing well trained assessors. In the cosmetic industry sensory evaluation data has been used as a part of marketing decision. It is acknowledged to be a powerful approach in optimizing product preference.
“Gail Vance Civille” (born 1943) is a pioneer in advanced sensory evaluation approaches for industry, academia and government (1). She has been fundamental in the development of Flavour, Texture, Fragrance, Skin feel and Fabric feel Spectrum Descriptive Analysis Methodology and her protocols, reference scales and methodologies provide the groundwork for sound analytical tools used by many in sensory science.
Sensorial analysis is the method of analysis for the examination of the product by evaluation of the properties which are detected by the five sense organs such as colour, odour, taste, touch, texture and noise (2).They are being used in many fields such as foods, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals, textiles and household products. In the cosmetic industry, sensory evaluation data has been used as a part of marketing decision. It has been used to identify and quantitatively model the key drivers for a product’s acceptance. It is acknowledged to be a powerful approach in optimizing product preference. The customer’s sensorial properties identification as well as product testing is important. These ...