Sustainability to drive post-Covid cleaning product sales Smithers research finds

Editor, Smithers, United Kingdom
New exclusive market data from Smithers shows that the market for sustainable cleaning products will reach $72.91 billion in retail sales value in 2021, and this segment will be increasingly important to the market in the future.
While Covid has been disruptive, it has embedded the need for personal hygiene and surface cleaning firmly in the minds of consumers and corporate decision makers. Simultaneously many organisations are committing to a more sustainable post-pandemic future. This includes both future innovation within the industry – exemplified by, for example, Unilever’s commitment in September 2020 to make all its cleaning products from non-fossil fuel carbon by 2030; and institutional and home users demanding cleaning products that combine effectiveness with a reduced impact on the environment.
Analysis in The Future of Sustainable Cleaning Products to 2026 (1) shows this market will grow to reach a total of $109.72 billion in 2026. This is equivalent to a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.5% across 2021-2026.
Over the same five years demand for conventional cleaning products will increase only marginally, with a forecast CAGR of 0.1%. One implication of this is the sustainable cleaning product market will overtake the conventional segment in 2024. This growth is predicated on the availability and use of greener active ingredients, which h ...