Synthesis and application of aminoboronic acids as bifunctional catalysts
Clean, green and asymmetric!
*Corresponding author
Durham University, Department of Chemistry, Science Laboratories, South Road
Durham, DH1 3QZ, United Kingdom
The development of Lewis acid-Lewis base bifunctionalcatalysts in asymmetric catalysis has been inspired by the ideaof emulating natural catalysts, such as enzymes. Recentinterest has been shown in the design, synthesis andapplication of aminoboronic acids as bifunctional catalysts,though this was based on the early work by Lestinger whoproved the bifunctional concept using aminoboronic acids.The aim of this article is to briefly summarise the synthesis ofaromatic, ferrocene and nonaromatic aminoboronic acidsand outline their recent applications, particularly in directamide formation and aldol reactions.