The attitude of libyan secondary and high school students towards the environment and their environmental knowledge
1. Department of Environmental Engineering, Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Near East University, Mersin 10 Turkey, North Cyprus
2. Department of Education Curruculum and Instraction, Faculty of Education Science, Final International University, Mersin 10 Turkey, North Cyprus
3. School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Near East University, Mersin 10 Turkey, North Cyprus
4. Department of Environmental Education and Management, Faculty of Education Science, Near East University, Mersin 10 Turkey, North Cyprus
This study has been conducted in order to define the attitude of secondary and high school students in Libya towards the environment and their envıronmental knowledge. While relationships among variables in the study were examined, comparisons among the groups were also made. In this regard, this study is a relational screening work. The research data were collected in six schools in central Libya during the 2015-2016 education year. The researcher was with the secondary and high school students of Libya while filling out the data collection tools and made all necessary explanations. The program SPSS 20 was used to analyze obtained data. T-test and single direction variance analysis has been made on data collected from secondary and high school students. The level of education, parental education level, and environment related knowledge level of the pupil were analyzed by single direction variance analysis.The results of the study are examined, it has been determined that the level of environmental knowledge and attitude of Libyan secondary and high school students towards the environment are insufficient.
Environmental notion has the character of having a notion being defined in different meanings and characteristics. It has been evaluated by being tackled in different meanings and characteristics with various approaches. Environmental notion tackled in social and psychical point is indispensable living space in terms of both social and physical. Environment or living space is defined as the place that living beings are bounded with vital bonds and areaffected in various ways (Yıldız et al., 2000). Environment in which human maintain all his social, biological and chemical activities contains superficial soil a effecting human and nature or non-natural vegetation near the geology, hydrology- mineralogy (like water minerals and petrol) sources (Uşak, 2006). Environment is defined as all the things apart from individual in terms of environmental psychology (Sülün et al., 2010). Within this work, physical environment statement is focused on.
Today, it is increasingly commonplace to speak of environmental problems and the management of social-ecological sys ...