The best of times emerges from the worst of times

Managing Partner of Neil A Burns LLC and CEO of P2 Science, Inc., USA
I have spent almost 40 years in and around the business of surfactants and I cannot remember a time as favorable for the industry or indeed the whole cleaning supply chain, especially in home-care.
In January of 2022, the effective cleaning of the home, using good, reliable products, is recognized as an essential part of the consumer’s life, unquestioned as to its status as a modern-day virtue. Consequently, this is the time for the consumer products industry and its suppliers, to shine in the eyes of the general public and their governments, of whatever political stripe. Over the past two years of the pandemic, and despite chronic supply chain disruptions, the consumer goods industry across the globe, along with suppliers in surfactants, other ingredients and packaging, has delivered literally life-saving products where and when they have been needed most. This is a feat that should not be forgotten, especially by the members of that industry, many of whom are readers of this magazine. Our products save lives, every day in every country. And that simple fact is now more recognized and appreciated than perhaps it ever was in recent history. In addition, ...