As you surely know AgroFOOD industry hi-tech deals with functionalingredients, functional food and nutraceuticals, but also with humanhealth issues and the answers nutritional science and industrycan provide. In the last few years, however, we have addressed ourattention also to analytical technologies not only used in processand product development but also in food safety, traceability andquality assurance. In the last few years the number of safety concerns have increasedtremendously - the Chinese melanin scandal, the German E Coli food infection etc –and consumers are becoming more and more distrustful of food chain management.Associations together with the industry are trying to harmonize on an international levelanalytical methods and laws in order to protect the consumer and his rights.The aim of our food analysis monographic supplement and “corner” is to keep readers up todate on new analytical technologies, international laws, consumers’ rights and promotehealthy eating.As analytical technologies are always evolving and companies introduce on a nearly dailybasis novel innovative solutions, to fulfill the need of fast and reliable communication wecrea ...