The designer in the world of cosmetics packaging – An unspiritual and very practical guide to change

1. Industrial Designer, Lecturer at Politecnico di Milano, Italy
2. Visual Designer, Associates designers at _blank design studio, Italy
The world of industrial production is aware that packaging is one of the elements of consumer products that will face a deep evolution in the coming years.
In this evolutionary process, the role of the designer becomes even more fundamental. As a “researcher”, he will have to be able to interpret the constantly evolving needs in order to find a design synthesis that allows the production of new types of packaging that will be able to communicate the added value connected to the product but also the specificity of the material/technological evolution they represent.
Materials, processes, multisensory, CMF (color material and finish) and storytelling are the ingredients to be mixed to evolve in this field of application.
The world of industrial production is now aware that packaging is one of the elements of consumer products that will face a deep evolution in the coming years.
For some time now, there has been a need to reduce the amount of products containing non-eco-sustainable substances on the market. In view of the need to comply with national and international legislation that has come into force and will continue to do so, companies and designers need to consider how packaging will evolve in terms of the materials and production processes that can be used.
With the awareness that changing materials and processes will inevitably transform the essence of packaging, the only question now is how to deal with this transformation.
In this evolutionary process, the role of the designer becomes even more fundamental. As a “researcher”, he will have to be able to interpret the constantly evolving needs in order to find a design synthesis that allows the production of new types of packaging that will be able to communicate ...