The encyclopedia of allowed sunfilters in the world

Consultant, via Solferino 4, 21040 Uboldo (VA), Italy
Sunscreen filters allowed in the world are different and with different percentages of use, the table summarizes the actual regulations updated to the end of 2015. As some of the info are not easy to retrieve in organized and clear forma like that available of COSING or FDA the list have been compiled through the access to official websites, download of documents and confrontation with personal knowledge. This is the reason why no reference is given even if the info is as accurate as possible, please underline and send me all the errors in order to keep this reference updated. Some of the filters may have different chemical names in the official lists and a hard work has been done trying to identify the right one linking it to the CAS (often also more than one for the same reference) number and the allowed limit. In case of doubts a precautionary principle approach has been adopted and the filter as been considered forbidden or with the lowest limit.
Sunscreen filters allowed in the world are different and with different percentages of use, the table summarizes the actual regulations updated to the end of 2015. As some of the info are not easy to retrieve in organized and clear forma like that available of COSING or FDA the list have been compiled through the access to official websites, download of documents and confrontation with personal knowledge. This is the reason why no reference is given even if the info is as accurate as possible, please underline and send me all the errors in order to keep this reference updated. Some of the filters may have different chemical names in the official lists and a hard work has been done trying to identify the right one linking it to the CAS (often also more than one for the same reference) number and the allowed limit. In case of doubts a precautionary principle approach has been adopted and the filter as been considered forbidden or with the lowest limit.
In EU and countries that adopt the same framework in some cases a substance that is UV absorber (or those so called UV booster) is not listed as UV filter, they are identified with “Q” to underline that a specific ch ...