The importance of anti-pollution skin strategies – A balancing act for skin health

Qenax AG, Baar, Switzerland
In times of a quickly changing environment due to global industrial growth, the burden of pollution is growing. A high degree of pollution, associated with industrialization, has an impact on our skin health Therefore, to remain a functional barrier for the body, our skin needs additional protection.
The effects of pollution are widespread, though common factors include ROS (reactive oxygen species) and RNS (reactive nitrogen species). These reactive species are known to increase stress and cause damage to the skin resulting in a weakened defense and increased risk for infection. Plant polyphenols such as naringin and chlorogenic acid have been identified as beneficial for the integrity of this defense. Therefore, in this study we aim to determine whether Grapefruit and Green Coffee extracts can diminish ROS and RNS levels and support cellular defences.
A high degree of pollution is interfering with our skin homeostasis. Homeostasis, in a general sense, refers to stability, balance, or equilibrium. Physiologically, it is the body’s attempt to maintain a constant and balanced internal environment, which requires persistent monitoring and adjustments as conditions change. Environmental and endogenous stress does have an influence on the equilibrium that under normal circumstances can be adjusted by internal pathways of regulation. Constant stress factors such as e.g. air pollution, pathogenicmicro-organisms (bacteria, fungi and viruses) and toxins might overwhelm our internal repair mechanisms and let them lose strength. The higher the stress the more support our internal repair systems need to function well and to keep our skin fully intact.
Glutathione our strongest body-own antioxidant is regarded as an important factor for optimal cellular function and effective defence against oxidative stress. When the capacity of the natural antioxidant protection is used up (1),
more oxidative stress will lead to an imbalance between the formation a ...