The new cosmetic normality

Editor in Chief, HPC Today journal, Tks Publisher
A rapidly changing world is influencing cosmetology, which today focuses not only on external beauty but on all the factors that generate wellness. In fact, we are addressing (especially in the more developed countries) people who are ageing (and Italy is in first place) and who have been heavily affected, also psychologically, by Covid, lock down, smart working. There is therefore the consequent growing desire to find a new equilibrium in life.
Even for cosmetics, there is a lot of discussion about environment and problems linked to it. But the digital world of the Internet is also being addressed, with global sharing of information and choices.
The result is a new way of thinking, proposing and formulating which is often described as ‘the new cosmetic normality’.
People are no longer looking for “emotional” ingredients, but for well-defined substances validated by experimental tests and biochemical research. This scientific information is accompanied by boosters which increase absorption to reach cellular targets with the lowest concentration of active substance and proven efficacy.