The occupational exposure level determination based on toxicological approach

Chemsafe, Colleretto Giacosa (TO), Italy
The assessment of adverse effects on the health on professional workers potentially exposed to hazardous substances during their manufacturing has become a key activity for HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) of all chemical (including pharmaceutical) companies since years (at least 15/20). The progressive demand to determine such evaluation is due to many reasons. In particular:
- A general higher sensitivity of companies and deeper legal liability due to the long application of European Union and USA rules regarding the safety of workplace;
- A deeper knowledge of the hazardous profile of handled chemicals due to application of REACH and related regulations such as biocide, agrochemical, detergents, etc. This is mainly referred to chemical industries when manipulating CMRs (Carcinogenic, Mutagenic and Toxic for Reproduction substances) or highly toxic substances such as sensitizers and/or endocrine disruptors among others;
- The progressive increase in the pharmaceutical production of the so called “High Potency Drugs” (HAPI) which are often, not always, accompanied by a certain toxicological profile which impose to implement ... ...