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The rise of international chemical inventories


Regulatory affairs manager, COSMED, France


Like REACH in Europe, chemical regulations make it possible, on the one hand, to list existing chemical substances on the market and, on the other hand, to assess their risk to human health and / or the environment. More and more countries are following this model and are implementing their chemical regulations which are applicable to manufacturers of raw materials but also to manufacturers of cosmetic products who must verify that the ingredients used are properly listed.


Controlling the chemical risks linked to chemicals and, more generally, to substances and mixtures of substances, constitutes a major challenge for public health and the environment. Like Europe and its REACH regulation, many countries have also adopted the principle of “no data, no market”.

Cosmed reviews the obligations imposed on the cosmetic industry by the main chemical inventories.



The placing on the market of chemical substances requires notification or registration so that they are listed on an inventory. Registration formalities and exemptions vary by country. Some ask for a complete dossier including physicochemical, toxicological, ecotoxicological characteristics and a risk assessment. Some countries have also chosen to review their chemical regulations by requesting the registration of substances already listed in the inventory (South Korea, Turkey, etc.). These inventories are then used by the various authorities to assess the substances in circulation on their market and take the necessary regulatory measures.

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