To brexit or not to brexit? A cosmetic formulator’s point of view

Neal’s Yard Remedies,
Peacemarsh, UK-SP8 4EU,
Gillimgham, Dorset,
United Kingdom
Member of H&PC Today Scientific Advisory Board
On June the 23rd 2016, the people of the United Kingdom had to make a decision as to whether or not the Country should leave the European Union.
On June the 23rd 2016, the people of the United Kingdom had to make a decision as to whether or not the Country should leave the European Union.
Final results saw 52% of voters in favour of "leave": a petition started right after the referendum has put in question what scientists would define as the statistical significance of these results and has so far collected more than four million signatures of people willing to have another referendum.
As a non-British, yet European, citizen living and working in the UK I must admit being left with mixed feelings: like many, probably, on Thursday night I went to bed thinking it would be a nearly 50/50 victory in favour of "remain", but I woke up in the morning to a rather surprising result.
That sense of "security" and "freedom" to travel, live and work anywhere in Europe has started to feel a little weaker.
A number of questions have been raised by these results, e.g. Scottish independence, the Irish/Northern Irish situation, Gibraltar, position of London, just to randomly mention a few.
But also, many have been wondering what wi ...