To test or not to test – A very good question indeed!

Callaghan Consulting International, Hamburg, Germany
When HPC Today invited me to contribute this article, I was delighted at the prospect, yet concerned that, yet again, the industry needs reminding that the requirement to support product claims. What is it then, that despite the global Cosmetic Regulations, notably our own here in the EU, Marketing, Copy writers, and even many in ‘R&D’ still don’t get when it comes to testing cosmetics to support product claims? Why does that very word ‘test’ cause stress among many in the industry? This article looks at the key reasons why; the body of evidence; the types of testing available, and their differences; how these differences impact on not only what claims you make, but also interpretation and business risk in its wider context.
While some of us will remember Shakespeare’s monologues and soliloquies of the famous ‘Scottish’ play being drummed into us at school, analysing them was far from our young minds much as the theories of relativity, and Latin verbs. In the world of cosmetics, those of us involved in claims development and regulatory affairs, are faced with this question almost every day. It may be as subtle as the sound of a sledgehammer in a jewellery shop, or as sublimely intuitive as Confucius.
When HPC Today invited me to contribute this article, I was delighted at the prospect, yet concerned that, yet again, the industry needs reminding that the requirement to support product claims isn’t just an afterthought after budgets have been depleted on the ‘pretty bits’, advertising, and other project aspects. Claims testing is actually a huge responsibility for all stakeholders, especially Marketing, and not just R&D. Without it there would be no ‘pretty bits,’ and certainly no story to tell the consumer.
What is it then, that despite the global Cosmetic Regulations, notably our own here in the EU ...