What you sell is only a (small) part of what the customer buys
30 Lawrence Centre, Ivey Business School, University of Western Ontario 1151 Richmond St, London, Ontario N6G 3G9, Canada
Better products, after all, are the foundation on which so manygreat companies have been built. Bayer is the aspirincompany, DuPont defined the age of Nylon, and Genentechowes its success to Rituxan and Herceptin. So whether in anattempt to be the next Bayer or Genentech, or simply tocompete with them, companies invest considerable resourcesand effort building better products, R&D and innovation areplaced at the centre of activities, and product qualitybecomes a widely recited organizational mantra.So much so that chemicals firms today are constructed andorganized around their product divisions and productdepartments, they appoint product managers who haveproduct sales targets, and manage product-related budgets ...