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Chimica Oggi - Chemistry Today

The Evolution of CDMO Partnerships to ensure Business Continuity

Advancements in drug delivery systems, challenges and future opportunities

Green manufacturing: making the switch to modern technology

AI: Under the Bonnet

Towards next generation polymers for Gene-Delivery applications

The API process development time conundrum. Is scalable technology the solution?

Navigating the chemical revolution: A roadmap for sustainable and digitally-driven manufacturing

The importance of investments to tackle the future challenges

Navigating Challenges in Pharma Supply Chain: Insights and Strategies

Can Science win the sustainability and societal responsibility challenges?

Chemical engineering, catalysis and flow chemistry for human space exploration

Peptides and Oligonucleotides, common trends as drugs

EU chemical legislation – Overkill or necessary precaution?

Collaboration as the Best Medicine – Part 2

Therapeutic oligonucleotides: the promises are up for delivery

Pathways for the pharmaceutical industry to become more sustainable

Forging a new frontier in flow chemistry & continuous manufacturing

tks organises the Flow Chemistry Pavilion at ACHEMA 2022

Being technology agnostic, not ignorant

Consolidation of Peptides and Oligonucleotides (TIDES) in the Pharmaceutical Arena

Targets and challenges of Pharma Supply Chain Manufacturers

Inside the (self-driving) lab of the future

Sustainability is not the only packaging priority

Essential skills for career growth in today’s world

Technosciences – A modern concept of the performative perception of sciences

Danger drives development and how long-term thinking lowers future risks

One size fits all?

Enhancing your organization’s expertise in quality and supply chain security

Process chemistry development – Fast, lean and green

From lab to manufacturing utilizing flow chemistry moving from batch to continuous manufacturing – examples of successful implementation

Fun with organic chemistry!

Time for a new formula in the chemicals industry?

The interface between chemistry & engineering: a bright future for innovation in ‘making molecules’

Chemistry 4.0 – myth or reality?

Man- and nature-made catalysis orchestrated in transformative, sustainable process design

Heterogeneous hydrogenation – an old reaction still valuable for modern processes

Continuous manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients during drug development. When is the right time to start continuous process development and engineering?

Is executive recruiting a big issue for young biotechs?

Peptide and oligonucleotide therapeutics: A chromatographers viewpoint

“Play It As It Lies” – Decision making in early to mid-stage API development and manufacturing

Flow chemistry and flexible production at ACHEMA 2018

Catalysis for chemistry transition

Towards new treatments: the oligos and peptide era

Evolution and innovation in specialty chemicals

Flow chemistry: a unique opportunity for innovation

Competitiveness of the EU chemical industry in the global market

Pharmaceutical sciences and the opioid crisis

Continuous API manufacturing in pharma – Where are we today and where will we be in ten years?

Practically relevant catalysis and biocatalysis

The current economic situation for catalysis in the fine chemical industry: opportunities for catalysis development and challenges for ligand manufacturers

All quiet on the western front

2017 will be a turning point for chemistry?

What now for the future of chemicals trade between the EU and US?

Highlights on the ongoing APIs market situation

Pharma Horizon: a new, reliable source of news on pharma

Chemistry, one hundred years ahead

Does the REACH 2018 registration deadline affect you?

Examining the pharmaceutical manufacturing value chain

Does the REACH 2018registrationdeadline affect you?

Examining the pharmaceutical manufacturing value chain

Green chemistry in APIs manufacturing:
A forthcoming revolution now mature

What is flow chemistry?

The art of rapid scale-up

what’s new about flow catalysis?
Is such ‘Merger’ better for heterocat, homocat and biocat?

2015 A new year and new regulatory challenges

Flow Chemistry – the future?

The challenge and potentialimpact of solvent replacement in the pharmaceutical industry

Are Toyota’s manufacturing practices the right benchmark for the pharma?

The rise of supramolecular chemistry in industry

The Fictional Chemist?

Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech

The rise of immune health functional ingredients

The mental-health challenge

Probiotics and the brain


Healthy Lifestyle – reloaded

Immune Health and the future of Nutrition

Plant power: How innovation in plant-based omega-3s is helping to create a healthy, sustainable future for all

Buoni propositi e Probiotici

Functional foods and dietary supplements in the age of COVID-19: or were they never a bad idea to support your health?

COVID-19 global crisis: Challenge and opportunities for the nutrition industry

Healthy aging – Do we want to become 100 years old?

Why should I use a regulatory consultant?

Healthy lifestyle, clean labels, personalised nutrition: the 2019 keywords

How blockchain can save the food industry millions from recalls

The relevance of food supplements in the healthcare

Healthy lifestyle?

2018 was a pivotal year for oligonucleotide therapeutics

Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech: 30 years later

Probiotics: innovation, opportunities and challenges

Animal health

The state of sports nutrition

Dietary supplements: an important tool to fill in the gaps in your diet

Before you know it, a hypothesis takes on a life of its own* – Scientists also have a duty to engage in public debate

Dietary supplements have become more dynamic and more personalised

Crossover between the sports nutrition and health oriented nutraceutical markets

EU project OLEUM: Better solutions to protect olive oil quality and authenticity

Food supplements as part of dietary recommendations – A dream?

Reflections on Brexit

Microbes and their fame through time

Health claims and symbols: What role is there for health-related information to guide consumer behaviour?

The scientific heritage of Milan Expo 2015

Food supplements: AIIPA’s commitment to consumer wellbeing

The scientific heritage of Milan Expo 2015

Food supplements: AIIPA’s commitment to consumer wellbeing

2015: a “sustainable”year?

Trans fats:towards a global banon using partially hydrogenated oils

Antioxidant effectsof polyphenols on human health:a mistakenly approached issue

Expo 2015: feeding the planet, energy for life – A necessity, a priority

Diet and healthy ageing

Functional foods and their clinical implications

Eat well – be well!How will you feedyour AVATAR?

Health claims – An opportunity for science

Household and Personal Care Today

Sustainability and cosmetics industry: A pledge for scientific and holistic approaches

Harmonizing science and perception: Navigating consumer psychology in the cosmetics industry

Can biotechnology meet the high expectations of the personal care industry?

Skincare compendium commentary article

Stress and the Skin; physiology and latest trends

P4 Inclusive Cosmetics – Deciphering skin longevity biomarkers through the innovative P4I Cosmetics approach

Making cosmetics sustainable

Surfactants at the interface between academia and industry

Beauty from devices: Existential threat to conventional beauty or gimmick?

The new cosmetic normality

Actions have consequences – In more ways than one

The best of times emerges from the worst of times

The rise and evolution of clean beauty

Beauty and immunity: Immunocosmetics

Skin hydration, not just moisturisation

Science is still the foundation. Let’s make it visible

I need to deliver a personalised skin care experience: get me out of here!

On Covid-19, cosmetics and biocides: where do we stand?

Global reset

Long-term sustainable solutions are key to deliver cleanliness and hygiene through and beyond this pandemic

The skin microbiome: More than hype

An era of challenges: Sun protection and Covid-19

Society of Cosmetic Chemists offers unparalleled education and networking opportunities for the cosmetics and personal care industry

Cosmetic industry leaders: a tribute to Marie Alice Dibon

Cosmetic science history from Leonardo to today

A call for sustainability

Cosmetic colorant primer

11th World Surfactant Congress Performance Solutions Success Surfactants

Active ingredients in Cosmetology 2019

The importance of circadian rhythm in skin

The bearable lightness of sustainability

Cosmetics in Italy, passion and innovation

What does working in detergency mean today?

The inglorious microbook of Genesis, unchained

INNOVATION The search for new routes: the North Star of our time

Catastrophic drought – Cry for help from the death zone

Bursting the fake news bubble

Is this the end of “anti-ageing”?

Leveraging the value of our sector to society

Sunscreen Symposium 2017 – September 14-16 2017

A chair, a lipstick, an advertisement and a single soul: design

Cosmetics in a World of Change: Politics, Legislation and Innovation

Sustainability – Times are a changing

Beauty with Science!!!

Europe and the surfactants and detergents industry

Why are specialty surfactants so special?

Desperately seeking good Chemistry

Sunlight versus Skin: evolving knowledge

Are you ready to join the journey towards Sustainable Cleaning 2.0?

Desperately seeking good Chemistry

Are you ready to join the journey towards Sustainable Cleaning 2.0?

The new cosmetology: PersonalCare, Personal Wellness

A bolder path to a sustainable future
ByBrian Sansoni, Vice President, Sustainability Initiatives – American CleaningInstitute

More Facts, Less Illusions

Welcome to this special issue of HPC Today, focusing on sustainability!

Creating lasting memories

A Matter of Balance

Beautifully …safe!

How do you spell beauty?

Trade Associations: Supporting companies in the surfactants supply chain

Rainbow Research

What a morning shower can reveal

Sustainability takes root

Musings of a False Philosopher
Back to the Roots?

New European Initiatives and Tools: HORIZON 2020 is now on the Horizon

Evolution of sunscreens and people’s knowledge of sun protection. 

Can we continue to Formulate and Innovate?

Detergency today Moving forward on sustainability American Cleaning Institute

The chemical industry Agorà Meeting challenges and chances

2003 -2013: a new day in HPC Today

Europe or not Europe, that is the question! An editorial in seven episodes and one final question

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