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Chimica Oggi - Chemistry Today

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Agro FOOD Industry Hi Tech

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Household and Personal Care Today

The sunscreen: a complex evaluation

A safe and dignified life for people with albinism

Factors determining the risks posed by UV filters for humans and the environment

Solari senza compromessi: utopia o realtà


Improvement of sunscreen formulations using functional formulation

Coral Reefs and ZnO – Balancing hazards versus risks

Nano-particulate UV-Filters: dimensional considerations


The influence of rheology on sunscreen performance and SPF – Are highly thixtotropic products not providing enough protection?

The selection and use of preservatives in skin and sun care products

Gradual confidence levels of standards compliance for reliable sunscreen testing results

Unmet needs in sun care products

Evolving trends and hottest ingredients in sun protection

UVA protection in foundation

Sunscreens for all ages

The yin and yang of sun exposure: achieving a balance for good health

From skin scare to sun care….

Good measurement practice matters Clinical sun protection product testing update

An antioxidant and botanical mixture for enhanced sun protection

Plant-based photo-protectants in sunscreens

The skin and the sun, a troubled relationship ever since

What SPF should I expectfrom my Sunscreen?

An overview of sunscreen regulations in the world

Sunscreen Regulations in the USA: Past, Present, Future

Ultraviolet Filters in the USA Regulatory Update

In vitro sunscreen testing laboratory – Past, Presentand Future

Reactivity of cosmetic UV filters towards human skin protein models

Solar UV radiation in schools: issues and risks for children and adolescents

Protection of skin against full solar, visible and infrared radiation by fabrics:
new testing methodology and perspective

Sunscreen products: some practical applications for a new comparison test method to help development and ensure quality controls

Innovation in inorganic UV filters in sunscreen

In Vitro Evaluation of Potential
Protection Provided by Topical Products against Full Solar and Visible plus Infrared Radiation

Improvement of In Vitro
sunscreen testing inter-laboratories reproducibility by means of reference absorbance curve

Preventing UV-induced skin damage

In vitro comparison – A new accessible and reliable statistical method to compare the global UV protection properties of cosmetics

Photostability of Epigallocatechin-3-Gallate in topical formulations – Effect of sunscreens and antioxidant agents 

Infra’Ageing™: From a new concept in skin care, to a solution powered by Polygonum aviculare extract

Are SPF and Critical Wavelength sufficient to measure efficacy of sunscreen products against sun induced skin damage? 

Sun protection policy and practices in South African primary schools

Preventing ultraviolet radiation scalp injury in men

Occupational exposure to solar UV radiation – A short review of relevant papers on the quantification of exposure to solar ultraviolet (UV) radiation of outdoor workers

Sunscreen in-vitro SPF determination – inter and intra comparison tests between several measurement instruments

Electrochemical techniques – Analytical tools for quality control of sunscreens

TiO2-loaded nanosuspensions – Influence of jojoba oil and surfactants on SPF and particle size distribution

Vegetable oils as bioactive adjuvants for sunscreens

Trends in tanning

Pharma Horizon

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